Monday 6 August 2012

EURO NEWS:The euro continued its rise against the dollar in a market vulnerable

The euro continued its rise against the dollar Monday, after having risen to its highest level in a month, in a vulnerable market, however, who continued to consolidate its gains on Friday after good U.S. employment figures.

Around 1800 GMT, the euro bought 1.2398 dollars against 1.2381 dollars Friday at 2100 GMT.

The euro retreated against the yen at 96.91 yen against 97.30 yen on Friday night.

The dollar also declined against the Japanese currency to 78.17 yen against 78.59 yen on Friday night.

The European currency has "an environment rather bullish on all markets" Financial Monday, noted Vasily Serebryakov, strategist at Wells Fargo Bank. "But the increase in risk appetite is uncertain and the market is likely to relapse in case of bad news," he added.

According to the trader, the "vulnerability" of the market should result in the following days by moving back and forth between the currencies, "a downtrend for the dollar and a positive trend for most other currencies."

The single currency had strengthened Friday against currency-traditional shelters, like the dollar and the yen in a market reassured by U.S. employment figures found generally strong; job creation is being accelerated to a faster pace than expected. This statistic has instilled a renewed optimism among investors.

The euro and hoisted shortly after midnight Monday at 1.2444 dollars, its highest level in a month.

"The recent revival of market confidence should continue to wear the euro in the coming days", thanks to renewed speculations on new measures of the EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) by fall, said Erlam Craig, an analyst at Alpari.

If "investors were clearly disappointed at the lack of new measures from the U.S. and European central banks" last week, "this disappointment dissipated and operators are beginning to consider the next monetary policy meetings September with optimism "has further stated, Erlam.

At the same time, concerns over the euro area subsided somewhat, the Madrid Stock Exchange on rumors flying of Spanish bond purchases by the short-term relief fund Europe.

Greece also continued to attract the attention of brokers, while the country's creditors, EU and International Monetary Fund, concluded Sunday in Athens the first phase of discussions on a program savings of 11.5 billion euros, considered positive signal by investors.

The coming weeks will be "crucial" to maintaining the country in the area, but recognized the Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras, while the Italian leader Mario Monti was concerned about his side of the tensions between the countries of the euro area and estimated that it would "work hard to prevent" a collapse of monetary union.

Around 1800 GMT, the British pound fell against the euro at 79.43 pence per euro, after touching GMT 2:25 p.m. to its lowest level since July 6 at 79.63 pence. She fell back against the greenback at 1.5607 dollar.
The Swiss franc remained stable against the euro, Swiss franc to 1.2011 per euro, and strengthened against the dollar at 0.9687 Swiss francs to the dollar, after reaching its highest level in a month at 0, 9657 Franc.

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