Monday 26 November 2012

Forex News: The NZD is higher late on Monday.

Forex News: The NZD is higher late on Monday.
The NZD is higher late on Monday as it has hold gains made from Friday, with the forex market which were waiting for a decision out of the meeting of finance ministers of euro-area later in the day

Saturday 18 August 2012

EURO NEWS: The euro fell slightly against the dollar invigorated by good indicators

The euro off again down against the dollar Friday invigorated by indicators better than expected in the United States, in a market still waiting for tangible developments on the situation in the euro area.

Around 2100 GMT, the euro bought 1.2330 dollars against 1.2355 dollars around 2100 GMT Thursday.

The euro off again rising against the yen at 98.10 yen against 98.06 yen Thursday.

The dollar also gained some ground against the Japanese currency to 79.55 yen against 79.35 yen yesterday.

The greenback strengthened slightly against the euro after the release of a number of encouraging indicators in the United States, "reducing expectations of further monetary easing" by the Federal Reserve (Fed) has Craig noted Erlam, an analyst at Alpari UK.

Indeed, consumer confidence in the country rose again in August, against all odds, new to reassure some traders on the growth prospects of the world's largest economy, and to raise the dollar.

Measures the Fed usually result injections of liquidity into the U.S. economy that have the effect of diluting the value of the dollar and make it less attractive to speculative investors.

But the decline of the euro, however, remained limited. "The reality is that the euro is currently evolving upward or downward within a limited range," noted Vassili Serebriakov, an analyst at Wells Fargo.

And this summer, the volumes are "relatively limited" which "tends to exaggerate the movement," he added, noting that the market reacted Friday still about Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The latter was the day "committed to doing everything (its) possible to maintain the common currency," claiming to be "on the same line" that the European Central Bank.

His "support for the strategy of the ECB to combat the crisis has revived expectations that managers (European) come together to find an effective solution to the problems facing the euro zone," said Anita Paluch, an analyst at Gekko Markets .

In addition, traders have welcomed the minister for European Affairs of Finland said on Friday that his country was "100% behind the euro," distancing himself from his colleague of Foreign Affairs stated in the British press that the country is preparing for a collapse of the euro zone.

Around 2100 GMT, the British pound was stable against the euro at 78.56 pence per euro and fell against the greenback at 1.5692 dollar.

The Swiss currency remained stable against the euro at 1.2009 Swiss francs to the euro and fell against the greenback at 0.9736 Swiss francs to the dollar.

The Chinese currency finished at 6.3584 yuan against one dollar for 6.3663 yuan yesterday.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

EURO NEWS: The euro rose against the dollar, supported by Italian bonds

The euro was rising against the dollar Tuesday, in a market with very etiolated volumes due to summer holidays, as investors await the publication of a series of statistics in the U.S. and the euro area to get an idea of ​​the health of the global economy.

Around 0600 GMT, the euro bought 1.2358 dollars, against 1.2333 dollars around 2100 GMT Monday.

The euro also gained ground against the yen at 96.93 yen against 96.63 yen late Monday.

 The dollar also rose against the Japanese currency to 78.43 yen against 78.32 yen Monday.

Strengthening of the euro against the dollar following a bond encouraging in Italy and less than expected contraction of gross domestic product in the second quarter of 2012 Greek, traders noted.

The Italian Treasury has borrowed billions of euros Monday to one year at rates vary slightly higher,
 reflecting the persistence of tensions in the debt market in the euro zone, but constituting an encouraging result given the demand, supported, for these bonds.

As for Greece, she recorded a decrease of 6.2% of its GDP on a year in the second quarter, against 6.5% in the first quarter.

Optimism is also still supported by hopes that the European Central Bank (ECB), the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) and the Chinese central bank further relax monetary policy to promote growth.

Traders also analyzed the figures on growth in France and Germany, published early Tuesday.

The German economy grew by 0.3% in the second quarter, better than expected. Growth in France has it, was zero over the same period compared to the previous quarter, which still allows the country to narrowly avoid a recession.

Other statistics will be published during the session: the first estimate of euro area GDP in the second quarter, the ZEW barometer of confidence in financial circles and the German producer prices for June in the United States.

Sales figures to detail in the U.S. on Tuesday as planned will provide an indication of the strength of the world's largest economy.

Faced with this avalanche of indicators, the euro could again be under pressure, said Masafumi Yamamoto, currency chief strategist at Barclays Capital, while still concerns about the implementation of austerity measures to fight against the crisis the euro area.

Around 0600 GMT, the British pound fell against the euro at 78.75 pence but rose against the greenback at 1.5694 dollar.

The Swiss franc fell back, her slightly against the euro at 1.2013 Swiss francs to the euro but rose against the dollar at 0.9720 Swiss francs to the dollar.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Gold News: After two days followed by significant earnings drop

Tuesday moved downward the price of gold, succumbing to pressure from sell-off after two days of strong gains, including yesterday's closing price to a high one week.

The contract price, delivery in December fell $ 3.40 or 0.2% to $ 1,612.70 per ounce on the Commodity Exchange in New York.

"Investors are not looking at reality for safe havens," Lack of news that is not already discounted and retreat amid concerns about the euro zone, "investors avoided the gold today,”

In other metals, silver September delivery rose by 24 cents or 0.9% at $ 28.11 per ounce. The September copper gained 5 cents, or 1.6% to $ 3.22 a pound. Earnings also recorded platinum and palladium, with platinum closing in October +0.6% and $ 1,410 per ounce and palladium +1.4% in September and $ 587.50 per ounce.

EURO NEWS: The euro continued to rise against the dollar in a market more tending to risk

The euro remained up against the dollar Tuesday, in a market without large volume, supported by renewed optimism of traders anticipating next action of the European Central Bank (ECB) to rescue the euro area.

Around 1800 GMT, the euro bought 1.2419 dollars against 1.2399 dollars around 2100 GMT Monday.

The euro rose also against the yen at 97.75 yen against 96.97 yen late Monday.

The dollar also gained ground against the Japanese currency to 78.70 yen against 78.20 yen yesterday.

After climbing the previous day to its highest level in a month (1.2444 dollar), the euro continued its slight lead against the dollar in a summer market always reassured by comments from ECB President, Mario Draghi, Thursday.

Then he said that the institution was ready to come to the aid of the euro area, by intervening in the bond market, provided that governments do their duty.

"The European Central Bank said he was ready to intervene if necessary and even if the details (of this) remain unclear, it remains positive (for the euro) because it means that the ECB stands ready" to act, noted Charles St-Arnaud, Nomura.

This could include co-ordinating with the EFSF, the Relief Fund of the euro area, which may redeem the debt markets and relieve a country where borrowing rates are soaring.

"The situation in the euro area gives the tone of new markets," noted Craig Erlam analyst Alpari UK, for which traders now expect to see Spain, which has already received a plan assistance for its troubled banking sector, ask for a comprehensive rescue.

This perspective "is welcomed by the markets," commented Mr. Erlam, noting that "if the operation of such a rescue is not clear, it may simply be a combined action of the European Relief Fund and the ECB to buy Spanish debt and enable the country to raise funds at prices considered fair.”

Friday, Mariano Rajoy has said his side he wanted to "study" the new measures by the ECB, before deciding whether it would appeal.

"In this context, many brokers who had bet on the decline of the euro cover their positions and take over (the currency), which causes a slight upward movement," observed Charles St-Arnaud.

"But investors are still waiting for new developments", and remain cautious, he added.

In Japan, the Minister of Finance Jun Azumi announced the six-month extension of assistance to Japanese companies that have assets abroad and the results of which are handicapped by the strong yen, traditional safe haven in difficult economic times.

Around 1800 GMT, the British pound gained some ground against the euro at 79.34 pence per euro, after falling the previous day to its lowest level in a month (79.63 pence), and rose against the greenback at 1.5650 dollar.

The Swiss franc was stable against the euro, Swiss franc to 1.2015 per euro, and gained some ground against the dollar at 0.9674 Swiss francs to the dollar, after reaching its highest level Monday since one month to 0.9657 francs per dollar.

The Chinese currency finished at 6.3666 yuan against one dollar for 6.3739 yuan yesterday.

Monday 6 August 2012

EURO NEWS:The euro continued its rise against the dollar in a market vulnerable

The euro continued its rise against the dollar Monday, after having risen to its highest level in a month, in a vulnerable market, however, who continued to consolidate its gains on Friday after good U.S. employment figures.

Around 1800 GMT, the euro bought 1.2398 dollars against 1.2381 dollars Friday at 2100 GMT.

The euro retreated against the yen at 96.91 yen against 97.30 yen on Friday night.

The dollar also declined against the Japanese currency to 78.17 yen against 78.59 yen on Friday night.

The European currency has "an environment rather bullish on all markets" Financial Monday, noted Vasily Serebryakov, strategist at Wells Fargo Bank. "But the increase in risk appetite is uncertain and the market is likely to relapse in case of bad news," he added.

According to the trader, the "vulnerability" of the market should result in the following days by moving back and forth between the currencies, "a downtrend for the dollar and a positive trend for most other currencies."

The single currency had strengthened Friday against currency-traditional shelters, like the dollar and the yen in a market reassured by U.S. employment figures found generally strong; job creation is being accelerated to a faster pace than expected. This statistic has instilled a renewed optimism among investors.

The euro and hoisted shortly after midnight Monday at 1.2444 dollars, its highest level in a month.

"The recent revival of market confidence should continue to wear the euro in the coming days", thanks to renewed speculations on new measures of the EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) by fall, said Erlam Craig, an analyst at Alpari.

If "investors were clearly disappointed at the lack of new measures from the U.S. and European central banks" last week, "this disappointment dissipated and operators are beginning to consider the next monetary policy meetings September with optimism "has further stated, Erlam.

At the same time, concerns over the euro area subsided somewhat, the Madrid Stock Exchange on rumors flying of Spanish bond purchases by the short-term relief fund Europe.

Greece also continued to attract the attention of brokers, while the country's creditors, EU and International Monetary Fund, concluded Sunday in Athens the first phase of discussions on a program savings of 11.5 billion euros, considered positive signal by investors.

The coming weeks will be "crucial" to maintaining the country in the area, but recognized the Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras, while the Italian leader Mario Monti was concerned about his side of the tensions between the countries of the euro area and estimated that it would "work hard to prevent" a collapse of monetary union.

Around 1800 GMT, the British pound fell against the euro at 79.43 pence per euro, after touching GMT 2:25 p.m. to its lowest level since July 6 at 79.63 pence. She fell back against the greenback at 1.5607 dollar.
The Swiss franc remained stable against the euro, Swiss franc to 1.2011 per euro, and strengthened against the dollar at 0.9687 Swiss francs to the dollar, after reaching its highest level in a month at 0, 9657 Franc.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

EURO NEWS: The euro rebounded slightly against the dollar, the euro area but still worried

The euro continued its slight rebound against the dollar Wednesday after having fallen sharply in recent days, but remained under pressure from the deterioration economic situation in the euro zone, where Spain may not be able to escape plan Rescue overall.

Around 1600 GMT, the euro bought 1.2127 USD against 1.2063 USD on Tuesday to 2100 GMT. He had fallen in session Tuesday at 1.2043 dollars, its lowest level since June 10, 2010.

The euro also rebounded against the yen at 94.85 yen against 94.28 yen on Tuesday. It fell to 94.12 yen Tuesday, its lowest level since late November 2000.
The dollar remained stable against the yen at 78.21 yen against 78.17 yen late Tuesday.

"Concerns over Spain, Italy and Greece grim prospects for the single currency while the euro remains under pressure,"  

Despite an attempt to rebound from the single European currency against the dollar Wednesday, caution remains in effect setting while the market is increasingly concerned by Spain, whose rates of long-term debt remained, despite a slightly lower, closer to 7.5% threshold considered out of control over time.

Investors fear that the country always forced to seek outside help, as have done Ireland, Greece and Portugal, while bad economic indicators Spanish accumulate and the bailout of its banks has not sufficiently reassured.

Several regions short of cash could seek support from Madrid, as already done Valencia. After announcing experiencing severe difficulties, Catalonia said Tuesday "studying" the possibility.

Greece also remains at the heart of the concerns, the government meeting this week a delegation of creditor institutions of the country to discuss the reforms needed to sustain their help.

Even countries strongest are less insulated from the crisis, as new figures showed the German manufacturing activity and the decision of the rating agency Moody's lowered Monday to "negative" the prospect of debt Berlin.

In addition, the barometer Ifo business climate in Germany has registered a further decline in July to 103.3 points against 105.2 points in June, according to official figures released Wednesday.

"It seems that German companies have finally opened my eyes to the reality of the crisis in the euro area", and "immunity (Germany) to the crisis in the euro area is clearly trying to s' lessen ", commented Carsten Brzeski, an analyst at ING.

Japan, whose currency flames because it is considered a safe haven in these difficult economic times, has multiplied in recent days warning of a possible intervention on the foreign exchange market to bring down the price of its currency because its strength handicaps Japanese exporters, driving growth of the country.

Around 1600 GMT, the British pound retreated against the euro at 78.38 pence per euro as against the greenback at 1.5472 dollar.
The Swiss franc remained stable against the euro at 1.2009 Swiss francs to the euro and rose against the dollar at 0.9903 Swiss francs to the dollar.
The ounce of gold finished at 1,601 dollars at auction tonight - after reaching 1606.43 dollar, its highest level in nearly three weeks - 1583.25 dollar against Tuesday night.
The Chinese currency finished at 6.3885 yuan against one dollar for 6.3859 yuan yesterday.